Don’t Move Your Junk!!!
Order a Dumpster Today & Get rid of this Junk:
Appliances, tools, furniture, televisions, anything broken, worn shoes, clothing you don’t wear, bedsheets, extra jewelry, damaged/cheap toys, excess hangers, old blankets, expired medicines and vitamins, old bath products, bathmats, toilet plunger, raggedy towels, cleaning supplies, old makeup, perfumes, colognes, leftover/expired rood, mismatched cups/mugs, plastic containers, trash from junk drawer, overused cutting boards, unnecessary utensils, old pot holders, old papers, file cabinets, worn-down pens/pencils, half-filled netbook, outdated calendars/planners, old computer equipment, desk lamps, paper clips, sports equipment, radios, rugs, lamps, old books, empty picture frames, bleach, items in storage, and much more
Lowe Junk Removal bring the dumpster and labor